Advanced Water Engineering, Inc. applies ozone technology in many ways. We manufacture or represent industrial grade ozone generation systems from 0.5 UV generated grams per hour (gph) to 50 corona discharge pounds per day (ppd). These systems can be used in many applications. Such applications are pure water sanitization, sterilization, and maintenance of bacteria free closed loop pure water systems in the pharmaceutical, food processing, or electronics manufacturing; hydrogen sulfide destruction in residential, commercial, municipal, and industrial raw water and sewage treatment; BOD and COD reduction; organic chemical destruction as effluent from pharmaceutical and aerosol packaging operations.
The bulk of our systems are used in hydrogen sulfide removal and pharmaceutical packaging operations such as packagers of suntan lotions, oils and creams.
These systems can be provided complete with air prep, oxygen concentrators, or direct oxygen feed. Typical systems are provided with ozone injection, recirculation pumps, and lop feed pumps, all on a single skid.

2#/day system at major pharmaceutical plant