Advanced Water Engineering, Inc. is pleased to introduce our Chemical Program to treat your cooling towers open and closed loop cooling HVAC systems. We presently are responsible for more than 200 cooling towers and have a greater market share than any competitor in our area. Our program provides you with the methods and tools to remove the worry from maintaining your system and you can rely on our prompt courteous service. Our home office is in Brevard County, Florida and our satellite office is in Tequesta, Florida. We have a fully trained chemical specialist with 32 years of Water treatment experience who is supervised by a degreed Chemical Engineer with 20 years of water treatment experience on local staff. All of our field service technicians have at least technical Bachelors Degrees in Chemistry or Biology.
Our programs provide chemicals, service, testing reagents, and inspection supervision for scheduled events. These programs will control Scale, Corrosion, Algae and Slime. A custom tower program will be developed for each make-up water supply, if necessary. We use no low pH treatment programs, acid chromates, or magnets. Unlike most of our competitors, all of our chemistries are EPA approved for their appropriate (cooling tower, boiler water, coag, etc…) use. EVERY EFFORT IS MADE TO OPTIMIZE EACH TOWER TO MAXIMIZE COST EFFICIENCY.
Advanced Water Engineering, Inc. will train your engineering/maintenance personnel to properly maintain chemical balance in their systems. We will also visit each site as often as our contract specifies with each customer specifies to check and verify the chemical testing, make observations and recommendations, and necessary mechanical adjustments to controllers. Each visit recommendation, and action can be recorded electronically and e-mailed in a spreadsheet format report in addition to the on-site log sheets.
Open loop chemistries are designed to control Scale, Corrosion, and Biological growth in atmospheric evaporators. As heat energy is carried away by evaporated water, the water’s salt content increases. When the salt content reaches pre-determined limits, the tower “blows down” the salty water and replaces it with fresh water until the tower is back in it’s “operating range”. More chemical is added to maintain the proper chemical level which prevents the fresh water from contributing to scale or corrosion.
Biocides are usually “pot fed” to open loop systems to control biological growth. During this operation, blow down is halted for a designated period of time while disinfection occurs. We also offer continuous Bromine feeders for small tower applications.
We provide the necessary materials, supplies, and service for treatment of the open loop cooling system. Our single or multiple component system (tech data sheets available) will control scale and corrosion on properly operating systems. Please click HERE to read a specification for our controllers.
To monitor effectiveness of our program, a Certified Coupon Program (CCP) will be developed to satisfy each customers maintenance engineer per the existing scope of work. Coupon data will be correlated and electronically sent to the maintenance engineer.
We will collect and compile the customers’ system testing data and provide a complete four week report to the Maintenance Engineer.
Extra chemical used at each site will be on-site, including a copy of their MSDS’s which will be posted at each site.
Closed loop chemistry is based upon scavenging Oxygen to prevent corrosion. These systems are usually stable and once they have been started up properly, chemical consumption is usually VERY low. Chemical addition is usually only necessary when make-up water is added due to a system leak or system maintenance. It can also be heavily consumed if there are suction leaks on the recirculating pumps.
We provide all start-up closed loop (hot and chilled) corrosion control chemical (tech data sheets are available). After start-up, we check each closed loop at least quarterly and individually more often if notified that there was a leak or repair on a particular system. Maintenance personnel should also test each closed loop after repairs. Chemical additions will be made at our next scheduled visit after repairs or immediately after our personnel test the loop and find it out of spec. If pot feeders are not in proper working order at each location, we can provide them.
Chemical Control of the Cooling Towers and atmospheric evaporators consists of TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS CONTROL (TDS) of a BLOWDOWN SOLENOID with a FEEDER PUMP and POT FEEDER CONTROL with a FEEDER PUMP of the Biocide. Most towers/coolers have existing operating TDS controllers with feed pumps. Please click HERE to read a specification for our controllers. All of the systems should have Biocide lockout timers and pumps. We have many ways to provide the above controls:
We will strive to attempt unity and compatibility of all of the controls systems at a reasonable cost. We have extensive experience with the Lakewood®, Advantage®, LMI®, Pulsatron®, Morr®, and Hydac® equipment. Please click HERE to read a specification for our controllers. Our effort is to be as cost effective as possible, along with the maintenance department, in choosing which system to install in each location. Spare controls and pumps will be available on a limited basis to keep systems operating while choices are being made. The customer may opt to replace the entire control rather than simply adding the Biocide timers. Factory warranties would then apply to the entire control rather than just the Biocide portion of the controls.
In the cases where there are no existing probes (such as a new tower or one where TDS control is presently not employed) or that a failed controller’s probes are incompatible with a new controller, we will add a NEW fully programmable controller with a Chemical Injection feed pump for each chemical being dosed. Please click HERE to read a specification for our controllers. Our fully programmable controllers will control the TDS Blowdown , chemical feed pump, Biocide pump and Biocide timer and lockout . This system consists of the complete control system, chem pumps, and solenoid required to operate a tower; (spec sheets available). - OPTION 2: SEMI-COMPLETE REPLACEMENT
In the cases where existing controllers have failed and are compatible, we simply replace the controls and possibly add pumps. This will entail using the existing probes, plumbing, and pumps; Please click HERE to read a specification for our controllers. - OPTION 3: BIOCIDE SYSTEM INSTALLATION
We believe, that in most cases, a Biocide lockout timer and pump is necessary. We will add a fully programmable lockout timer with pump. This will add the biocide feature to all of the towers. Please click HERE to read a specification for our controllers. - OPTION 4: BLOWDOWN SOLENOID
Blowdown solenoids are responsible for bleeding the salty water from the towers. Some frequently clog with suspended solids. Should a particular tower clog often, or should a solenoid/valve fail, we will replace it with a Quick Clean style solenoid and valve and recommend types of solids filtration for the towers(s).
We include normal calibrations, probe maintenance, controller set-up and adjustment, pump adjustment, and solenoid cleaning in the cost of our proposals.
We stock rebuild kits and maintenance parts for the majority of the control systems and pumps.
Our service rate will apply to installation/repair of all (non-routine adjustment) components on a case by case basis as some installations are much more difficult to repair/service than others.
We also can provide, install, and repair Marley®, BAC®, DELTA®, and EVAPCO® Cooling towers. Our installation staff are fully trained in maintenance and repair of these towers including PLC’s and Variable frequency drives and Variable speed drives. We can provide new or rebuilt recirculation pumps including Aurora Pumps®, B&G Pumps®, Armstrong pumps®, TACO Pumps®, Grundfos Pumps®, LMI Pumps®, Pulsatron Pumps®, Chemtech® and many others. We specialize in water conserving sand/silt/dirt removal systems including HARMSCO®, GAF®, LAKOS®, Turbodisk®, Macrolite®, and many other options.
A complete orientation package will be presented to appropriate individuals prior to implementation of the service. A pre-orientation meeting will be requested after Contract award to work out details for the Orientation Meeting.
Apperson Chemical Co. presently manufactures and blends our treatment chemicals. We have their FULL backing, lab, and technical support should they be needed. In addition, we are affiliated with Advanced Coupon and Testing Company to perform coupon/corrosion studies.
Our staff is fully trained and familiar with procedures for cleaning cooling towers and heat exchangers. We have a run-ready trailer fully equipped with chemical tanks and pumps for onsite cleaning. Our customer can choose between various stocked cleaners such as SAFE D SCALE® non-acid non-fuming non-corrosive environmentally safe cleaners and our Ex-Scale Rodine® inhibited HCl formulations.
Proper boiler treatment requires that boilers remain clean and free of scale. Scale causes a layer of insulation that inhibits heat transfer thus requiring much more energy use. Scale also allows a safe haven for corrosive bacterial growth. Our staff is fully trained and familiar with procedures for cleaning boilers. We have a run-ready trailer fully equipped with chemical tanks and pumps for onsite cleaning. Our customer can choose between various stocked cleaners such as SAFE D SCALE® non-acid non-fuming non-corrosive environmentally safe cleaners and our Ex-Scale Rodine® inhibited HCl formulations.
All boilers should be periodically inspected and cleaned. Accurate measurements should be taken of feedwater for tds (or conductivity), M and P alakalinity, Total hardness, and any other local scale-forming compound(s).
Closed loop chemistry is based upon scavenging Oxygen and volatile amine complexes to prevent corrosion. Hot water systems are usually stable and once they have been started up properly, chemical consumption is usually VERY low. Chemical addition is usually only necessary when make-up water is added due to a system leak or system maintenance. It can also be heavily consumed if there are suction leaks on the recirculating pumps.
We provide all start-up closed loop corrosion control chemical (tech data sheets are available). After start-up, we check each closed loop periodically. Maintenance personnel should also test each closed loop after leak repairs. If pot or other required feeders are not in proper working order at each location, we can repair or provide them.
Old boilers will require a complete flush and possible acid clean with one of our above cleaning systems. Ex-Scale should be made up at 10% by volume or Safe D Scale at 10-33% by volume. Addition of our CWT239 to 1000 ppm as Nitrite and MBC-215 microbiocide will begin the anti-corrosion process. This usually takes about 8 gallons of CWT 239 and 1/2 gallon of MBC215 per 1000 gallons.
Water softeners are a must on nearly all boiler water feed. They must be capable of continous zero soft water. Small low-pressure boilers can tolerate a few ppm of hardness. As a water treatment equipment manufacturer, we are capable of replacing or repairing nearly any brand of softener.
Our BWT-269 boiler treatment program requires that sulfites be controlled between 30 and 60 ppm. TDS should be controlled at a maximum of 3500 tds un-neutralized or 2100 tds neutralized. p-Alkalinity must be controlled to a maximum of 1000 ppm. This will provide polymer in the boiler bottoms to scavenge scale causing contaminants and neutralizing amine complexes in the condensate lines via morpholine.
To properly control small boilers, you will need a least and alkalinity test kit good to 10 ppm (m and p), a sulfite kit good to 10 ppm, a total hardness kit good to 2 ppm, a Nitrite test kit good to 10 ppm and a Myron L model EP-10 conductivity meter with a range up to 10,000 mmhos.
On larger boilers, automatic blow-down and chemical feed systems should be used.
We also have complete programs for Large industrial and power boilers not covered above.
Please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail if you need more info or clarification!
Click here for tech data sheets and MSDS’s.

Also click on the tank for our water storage tank systems:
CLICK here for our Corporate Resume of a few of our systems!